Literacy with Laura Leigh

5 Back-to-School Reading Activities That Make Your Kids Cheer


The beginning of the homeschool year is filled with establishing routines and creating a learning environment. Why not add some back-to-school reading activities that your child will love? Bonus: You’ll gain a lot of insight into what your child already knows and what they need to learn. Back to School Reading Skill:  Letter Recognition As […]

How to Boost Letter Naming Fluency for Beginning Readers


“Research supports not only that letter naming must be accurate, but it must also be fast.” (Neuhaus & Swank, 2002). Enter letter naming fluency into the picture.   You may have seen or heard of the DIBELS assessment, which measures how many upper and lowercase letters a child can name in one minute. But why do […]

5 Ways to Maximize Your ABC Book Read Aloud Time


When I first began homeschooling my daughter, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom became a daily favorite! She loved the rhythm, the illustrations, and the way the letters climbed up the coconut tree. But as fun as it was, I couldn’t help but wonder: Was this read-aloud time truly helping her learn her letters? Ever had a similar […]

Letter Recognition Assessment: Start Here. Do Not Pass Go.


It’s the beginning of your homeschool year, and you’re eager to see how well your child knows their letters. You sit down together with a letter recognition assessment in hand, ready to gauge their progress. Your child eagerly points to familiar letters, but some are trickier than others.   Kate knows the letter D.  Check. […]

7 Simple + Fun Activities that Improve Letter Recognition in 5 Minutes


Have 5 minutes to fill in your homeschool day?  These 7 quick, fun letter recognition activities are perfect for your transition times. The letter recognition activities: provide essential review keep your child’s attention  offer additional letter exposure   It’s important to include these in your daily routine because: “some children may need only 10-20 exposures […]

3 Creative Ways to Use the Alphabet Song to Teach Letter Recognition


Do you remember learning the ABCs? Learning the letters of the alphabet often begins with singing the alphabet song. Can you hear the off-key refrain, “L-M-N-O-P,” sung by tiny voices right now? I bet you even sang those letters as you read!   Many students enter kindergarten knowing how to sing the ABC song since […]

3 Alphabet Arc Activities that Boost Letter Recognition (Fast)


I still remember the moment I first discovered an alphabet arc.  It was my first day as a reading specialist- new city, new school and a classroom packed with materials left behind my a retired teacher. I walked into my new classroom excited but overwhelmed. As I sorted through the clutter, I picked up a […]