Literacy with Laura Leigh

5 Ways to Maximize Your ABC Book Read Aloud Time


When I first began homeschooling my daughter, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom became a daily favorite! She loved the rhythm, the illustrations, and the way the letters climbed up the coconut tree. But as fun as it was, I couldn’t help but wonder: Was this read-aloud time truly helping her learn her letters? Ever had a similar […]

7 Simple + Fun Activities that Improve Letter Recognition in 5 Minutes


Have 5 minutes to fill in your homeschool day?  These 7 quick, fun letter recognition activities are perfect for your transition times. The letter recognition activities: provide essential review keep your child’s attention  offer additional letter exposure   It’s important to include these in your daily routine because: “some children may need only 10-20 exposures […]

3 Alphabet Arc Activities that Boost Letter Recognition (Fast)


I still remember the moment I first discovered an alphabet arc.  It was my first day as a reading specialist- new city, new school and a classroom packed with materials left behind my a retired teacher. I walked into my new classroom excited but overwhelmed. As I sorted through the clutter, I picked up a […]